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How to Train and Care for Your Pet in Gay Pet Play BDSM



All About Pet Play in Gay BDSM

Pet play is a favorite BDSM kink of mine. As a dominant partner, there’s something very enchanting

about taming a partner and turning him into my obedient pet.

But let me warn you now — training a sub to be the perfect pet requires patience and care.

Whether your boy wants to be a pup, kitten, or pony, he needs guidance to let his inner animal out.

I’m here to share my tips for domesticating your wild plaything into a docile companion.

From choosing your target to establishing routines, you’ll learn how to transform even the brattiest sub into a loyal, loving pet.

With some structure and encouragement, he’ll be begging to serve at your feet.

So, get ready to collar your man and start your new life as his loving owner!

Finding My Perfect Pet

Here’s my quick step-by-step list for searching for the best partner in pet play:

  • Step 1: Pick a pet that matches you
  • Step 2: Look for someone experienced but still untamed
  • How to Train and Care for Your Pet in Gay Pet Play BDSMStep 3: Discuss expectations in detail

The first box to tick is deciding what kind of pet you want. Puppies and kittens are popular, yes.

But no one’s telling you to avoid picking a fox, bunny, or even a dragon.

Think about the traits you find most appealing. Are you into energetic pups who love to play?

What about a snooty cat with attitude?

If you already have a sub, talk about the options with him. Find what you’re both into.

Meeting Michael

In my case, I wanted a real challenge. I was looking for a “wild animal” — a power bottom who could use some serious taming.

I scrolled through forums and found a likely candidate.

Username Michael088 had a lot of posts bragging about how his previous doms fell short in the control department.

So, I shot him a message and we went from there. He was a total jackass — very rude.

But as I said, I wanted a challenge. What’s more challenging than someone as frustrating as Michael?

Our messages lead to us meeting in real life. He had a stinky personality.

But his obvious six-pack abs made me overlook his being a jerk.

How to Train and Care for Your Pet in Gay Pet Play BDSMMichael was built like a runway model. He had the face of Adonis too.

Most importantly, he was all in on our gay pet play scheme.

We had another meeting to discuss how the training would go down.

We talked at length — both online and IRL — about what we both wanted and expected.

Michael knew I would bend him completely to my will, and I knew he craved the loss of control.

We followed everything there was to follow: Set clear rules, ready a safeword, all that good stuff.

About a month later, we visited a soundproof room I lovingly call “The Training Grounds.

” We decided to rent it for three months. We also agreed that the next time he stepped inside this room,

he would no longer be “Michael.” He would be “My Good Boy.”

The Training

Our first training gave me a headache. My supposedly good boy couldn’t help but try to lead and tell me what to do.

I was expecting him to do it deliberately. But no, Michael was just used to doing things his way.

So, I had to show him who should boss who.


Each time he did something I didn’t tell him to, Michael got a punishment.

I made him sit inside his cage for deserved time-outs. I raised my voice to make it clear he annoyed me.

There were also times when I completely ignored him. I even got a special spray to stop him from misbehaving.

Admittedly, I use some actual animal training techniques. In his case, pup training wasn’t doing much, so I tried cat training.

It worked wonderfully. Although you shouldn’t hit your actual pets, Michael and I agreed he would like to be spanked.

So, I reserved spanking for more serious offenses. The key is to correct him early so he can associate the punishment with bad behavior.

Note to doms: Your pet training should be tailored to your sub’s characteristics.

It should be directly connected to your sub’s unique behavior.


In contrast, it was only appropriate to reward good behavior.

Simple rewards, like praises, head pats, and belly rubs, were good reinforcements.

How to Train and Care for Your Pet in Gay Pet Play BDSMMy Good Boy likes praises the most. Though he denied it at first,

his eyes lit up whenever I called out to him lovingly. He also pouts when I don’t.

At first, I rewarded even the smallest good behavior.

Later, I only gave treats when Michael followed more complex commands.

Some treats I recommend are crackers, one-bite candies (M&M’s, gummies, etc.), and other easy-to-chew munchies.

Michael’s ultimate treat was, of course, me letting him orgasm.

Here’s a tip: Ask your human pet to not eat your dedicated “human pet treats” outside your training.

Tell him to reserve them for your pet space only. This helps your pet link being your pet to those specific munchies.

Note to doms: The balance of punishments and rewards demands consistency and patience throughout the training.

Strict Routine

Just like animals, pet humans thrive on routine and structure.

At first, I strictly enforced a routine to help Michael get accustomed to his new role.

Over time, this routine became more flexible and I added occasional surprises to keep things interesting.

How to Train and Care for Your Pet in Gay Pet Play BDSMI train My Good Boy thrice a week: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. This was our schedule:

  • Meet up at the Training Grounds at exactly 7 pm. If he came late, I would leave him in his cage for an hour and ignore him.
  • In the first week, he was late twice. Those were the only times he came in late in the three months we trained.
  • If he came at 7, I would:
    • Groom him (Bathing, nail trimming, etc.)
    • Feed him
    • Walk him around the room
    • Play with him
  • Over the next months, we changed this routine to include kinky accessories and kinky sex.

To facilitate his mental shift from “Human Michael” to “My Pet,” I started with simple commands and gestures.

“Simple” is the keyword here — one-word commands, clear gestures.

When I hold my hand palm-down, he knows I mean sit. When I hold my hand up, that means stay.

Note to doms: Your goal is to alleviate your pet’s stresses as a human.

He shouldn’t overthink when you’re with him as your human pet. Creating this headspace is necessary for an immersive pet play.

Caring for Your Pet’s Needs

As a good owner, it’s critical that I provide for all of Michael’s needs.

As a dom, his health and safety are my top priority.


Michael tends to push himself to the limit.

How to Train and Care for Your Pet in Gay Pet Play BDSMThere were times he would attend training and not warn me about overworking to the point of not being able to sleep.

One time, he passed out mid-training because he hadn’t slept for 48 hours straight.

As his Master, it was my responsibility to monitor him closely.

I needed to be sure he got adequate rest. Sometimes that means ending a training session early or forgoing it altogether.

Cuddling during downtime is a great way for us to reconnect.

Even within The Training Grounds, I could help My Good Boy recharge to ready him for the next training.

After all, his health and stamina are important to continue to be my obedient pet.


How to Train and Care for Your Pet in Gay Pet Play BDSMAdmittedly, I couldn’t see what my human pet would eat outside our pet space.

So, I let Michael bear that burden. He was already a healthy diet fanatic before I met him anyway,

so I didn’t worry too much about that aspect.

Note to doms: When training your pet, be sure to remind him to eat healthy meals for strength during training.

I suggest preparing a meal and bringing it to your pet space in case your human pet needs it.

Your pet should be well-fed and hydrated so he can be focused and attentive while training.


How to Train and Care for Your Pet in Gay Pet Play BDSMYour human pet’s appearance reflects directly on you.

Since Michael was sporty, grooming wasn’t a priority for him outside our pet training.

So, I keep him impeccably groomed to show how well I care for him.

Sure, no one would see him as my pet since we only train within The Training Grounds,

but every time he so much as glanced at his trimmed nails, he would think of me, his Master.


Note to doms: Regular bathing, nail trimming, teeth brushing, and haircuts are all part of your pet’s routine maintenance.

Grooming is also an opportunity to bond through touch and physical intimacy.

Playing Safely in Gay Pet Play BDSM

I’ve been in the BDSM scene for years, but that doesn’t mean things can’t go wrong.

Before I start training any sub, I make sure we have an emergency plan in place.

How to Train and Care for Your Pet in Gay Pet Play BDSMI’ve taken emergency response courses to be prepared for anything. (Yes, I take my being a dom that seriously.)

Since pet play and BDSM, in general, aren’t just about physical satisfaction, I always do regular check-ins outside of play.

This is so I can keep track of how my sub is doing physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Learning about my sub’s overall well-being makes it easier to handle sub-drops too.

Michael and I reserved our Saturday nights to spend time together grabbing coffee or meals, just talking.

This helped me understand him better and see how I could safely push his limits.

Note to doms: Doms should prioritize their pet sub’s safety and well-being.

By taking things slow, keeping the lines of communication open,

and having emergency precautions in place, participants can fully reap the benefits of pet play.

More Tips to Pet Play BDSM

Here are more tips doms should remember:

  • Start slow and build up the intensity. Don’t go into hardcore pet play right away. Even if all participants are experienced dom and sub, safety should always be your priority.
  • Up the training based on your human pet’s progress. Only move on to more complex commands once your pet has mastered the basics. If he gets it in one training, go ahead. If it takes him a month to figure everything out, let him. That is the essence of training. This gradual progression will make the experience much more rewarding for you both.
  • Use props and accessories to enhance the fantasy. A collar, harness, or realistic paws puts the sub in the proper headspace. The more realistic the gear, the deeper they can go into their pet role. Always talk about adding anything new to your initial agreements. Never spring it on your sub unexpectedly.
  • Give your pet plenty of affection and playtime. While discipline and training are important, don’t forget to also lavish your pet with love, belly rubs, and play. The more you interact with and handle your pet, the stronger your connection will become.


I hope these tips help you train your man to be the perfect companion for your pet play desires.

While it takes time and patience, the bond you’ll form during this BDSM play will be oh-so rewarding.

Remember, communication and trust are key.

Approach this journey with compassion. Your human pet depends on your care and guidance to become their best self.

With the right approach, you’ll both find the satisfaction you crave.

This is an intimate adventure you should look forward to. Wishing you tail wags and snuggles ahead!

Pet Play BDSM FAQs

What kind of gear do I need?

The good news is you don’t need any fancy equipment to get into pet play.

Some basics I’d recommend are a collar and leash, food and water bowls, and maybe a pet bed.

How do I train my pet?

Training a pet takes time and patience. Start with basic commands like “sit,” “stay” and “come.”

Use positive reinforcement with treats, praise, and rewards when your pet responds well.

The key is helping him get into the right headspace to obey your commands.

What do pets do?

silicone-zebra-muscle-petsuit_01As the dom or handler, it’s up to you to determine how your pet will serve you.

Some pets enjoy being walked, groomed, and fed. Others like performing tricks and tasks for their owner.

And some just want to curl up at your feet and keep you company.

Discuss with your partner what kinds of activities appeal to both of you. The options are endless!

How far should I take it?

It’s important for any BDSM relationship to discuss limits and have a safe word in place.

Not all pets want to be “fully domesticated” — some prefer to only do pet play in certain contexts.

Check in regularly with your pet to make sure their needs are being met.

A good dom always puts the well-being of their pet first.

Pet play can be an extremely rewarding experience for both partners.

But go slowly, communicate openly, and make sure everyone’s comfort levels are respected each step of the way.