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Curious about pleasure play? Please read our guide on how to use a dildo, especially for men! Dive into a world of creative ways to pleasure yourself and your partner today. Plus, dildo recommendations!

Fall into the Dildo Discovery

Have you been having trouble spicing up your intimate moments? What about your solo play hitting a plateau? This is a common dilemma – especially if you’re a man craving new sensations. You may put it in the back of your mind. But the monotony grows and gnaws – it’s not shocking that you’ll itch for something to make your intimate life more exciting.


Cue the dildos! They are readily available, yes. But most men don’t think about owning at least one. Even gay men may only have a pair or three. But here’s the secret: nothing’s holding you back from adding more dildos to your collection.

There’s an array of these phallic companions you should try at least once in your life. So go on, gents, read more about the great possibilities you’re about to unlock with more dildos in your arsenal.

But first… Why Do Dildos (Sometimes) Have a Bad Name?

There’s a dildo for every fancy. But can you believe these guys have a bad rep? There are a lot of bad assumptions when it comes to these pleasure powerhouses. Some are:

One Size Fits All Fallacy

Whoever spread the rumor that all dildos come in just one size – enormous and intimidating at that – must be out of their find. Newsflash: they’re not. Dildos come in various shapes and sizes. Care for something petite? You got it. Bulbous and mighty? Sure thing! This “one size fits all” misconception often scares gents even to consider having a dildo!

One Size Fits All Fallacy

Pigeonholing Problem

Dildos are just for gay men, right? Again – they aren’t. Buying and using dildos doesn’t automatically grant you residence in Rainbowville. However, there is nothing wrong with discovering your sexuality with the pleasures of the dildo. Even straight men can experiment with a good dildo.

Think of it like this: when you go to the doctor for a prostate exam, do you become gay right after your appointment? Dildos are for anyone and everyone who’s up (no pun intended) for exploring new sexual territories. It’s high time we bid farewell to this restrictive pigeonholing.

Pigeonholing Problem

Quality Quandary

Now, this one is a real problem. Since there’s an abundance of dildos in the market, there are good, okay-ish, and bad. What do you expect when you see a dildo on sale for cheap, anyway?

If you want to unlock the pleasures truly dildos can give you, opt for high-quality ones. After all, you’ll be putting it inside your body – and your body deserves only the best. Look for high-grade and body-safe materials.

Quality Quandary

How Do Dildos Work?

Now that we got your attention and you’re considering gifting yourself a dildo, we need to discuss a few things first. Dildos, in essence, are pretty straightforward. In the most general sense, dildos’ goal is to help you reach climax. It can either be by stimulating your prostate or other parts of your butt.

How Do Dildos Actually Work?

Each part of the dildo has its uses, too. That’s why they come in various designs and materials. Some can be slim for easy insertion. Others, who are more adventurous, go for a bulbous tip. There are even dildos with knots! No matter what dildo you pick and what you plan to do with it, you’ll always need to have lube by your bedside drawer.

A lot of it. Don’t skimp on pouring lube into your dildo and butt – this is critical for a comfortable ride.

Brief Overview of Dildos

If your ears perked on the “come in various designs and materials” from the previous section, here are some top recommended dildos to ponder on:

If you’re craving something grounded in reality, go for realistic dildos. They can be as stiff or soft as you want. They can also be as long or big as you can imagine. They are the spitting image of the real deal – the veins, ridges, and all! They also feel as pleasurable as the original!

realistic dildos

Want some toe-curler ready for a session anytime? You don’t have to reschedule anything when you have a reliable vibrating dildo in your pleasure toolbox! These prostate massagers come with a built-in motor and remote control if you choose to! The vibrators range from a gentle purr to a powerful roar. They’re sure to send shivers down your spine!

vibrating dildo

If you like something worth a spot in your display cabinet, go with glass dildos. They are aesthetically pleasing, but don’t let them fool you! They’re smooth, easy to clean, and very sturdy! Here’s a tip: They’re also excellent for temperature play!

glass dildos

Let’s introduce you to the Jack of all trades in the dildo realm – silicone dildos. They are body-safe and non-porous. Search, and you’ll find that they come in a variety of shapes and sizes as well.

silicone dildos

Feeling the opposite of handsy? Go for strap-on dildos, then! They allow for hands-free action – a real game-changer in the bedroom. Switch roles, try new positions – the world’s your oyster!

strap-on dildos

Here’s a wildcard: double-ended dildos. Why should one end have all the fun? Double-ended dildos offer twice the pleasure. It’s the one when you want to jump from solo play to couple’s fun.

double-ended dildos

How to Use Dildo: Dildos When You Play Solo

When it comes to flying solo with a dildo, there’s a whole world of pleasure just waiting to be explored. Though a dildo is your highway road to climax, it shouldn’t just all be about that.

1. First things first – get into the right headspace. Dim the lights, play some mood music, lay out your favorite towel – make your environment as comfortable and sexy as possible. Then, let your mind wander.

2. We said it before, and we’ll say it again – lube is your trusty, beloved friend. It makes for smoother and easy insertion. But it also enhances the feel of the toy against you. A well-lubricated dildo can make a world of difference (and your posterior will thank you).

3. Don’t rush into things. Start slow. Allow your body to adjust to the new sensation. Once you’re comfortable, you’re at liberty to switch gears and speed up.

How to Use Dildo: Dildos When You Play Solo

4. With a dildo, you can explore realms that you may not typically reach. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles and depths. Still, keep listening to your body. If something feels off, stop.

5. Variety is the spice of life, right? So try different positions. Speed up and slow down. Keep it fresh. Keep it exciting. Most importantly, keep it fun!

6. After you’ve had your fun, clean your toy thoroughly. Your future self will appreciate it.

It’s not just about hygiene; you also maintain your dildo’s quality for future adventures.

How to Use Dildo: Dildos When You Have Someone to Play With

Now, let’s say you’re not riding solo, and you have a partner in crime. A dildo, when shared with a partner, doubles the fun… or even triples; who’s counting?

1. Let’s start with double-checking if you and your lover are on the same page first. Now that you’re also responsible for another individual, you should be sure they are as excited and comfortable as you. Reiterate your boundaries. Know what will go down. Remind them of the safe word. Here’s the most important part: Pleasure is not as important as getting someone’s consent.

2. Take your time and do some foreplay. The dildo is the main act, but you still have to build it up with your partner. A little teasing can go a long way. Build the anticipation to make the experience more satisfying. The waiting game can be incredibly sexy!

How to Use Dildo: Dildos When You Have Someone to Play With

3. Doing most of the work can be fun for you, but how about handing the reins over to your lover? Try letting your partner take control. Feel the rush of being at someone else’s mercy. But don’t be shy to guide them on speed, depth, and angles – after all, you’re the expert of your own body.

4. Feeling daring? Why not use two dildos at once? One for you, one for your partner, as you busy yourselves with playing with the front end of things. A definite win-win, right?

5. Aftercare takes immediate priority. Do post-play cuddles. Shower each other with affectionate words. Clean yourselves up (or do a second round in the shower!) Take care of each other – it’s all part of the shared experience.

Give Your Dildo a Spin!

We finally reached the end of our comprehensive dildo guide! Did we sway you yet? Now that you know how to use a dildo anyway, why not try it for yourself?

Many phallic companions are waiting for you to play with them. Take things slow and steady. Start small, find your groove, and never forget – lube is your new BFF.

Give Your Dildo a Spin!

Shed your inhibitions to unlock a world of fun. There are more things you can discover with just your willingness to play with dildos. So, gear up, gents! It’s time to dive into an ocean of pleasure, confident and ready. Because hey, as they say, practice makes perfect, right?