• Home/ Archives / The Ultimate Guide: What is a Protogen? Origin, Traits, and More

Okay, so I have a question for you. Do you ever wonder what all the furry fandom-based animals or species are? And even more specifically, where did all the more advanced creatures come from? Well, you’re not alone. We’ve thought about that too. Species like Protogen, Sergals, and the like.

What are they, and why were they created? These creatures are considered to be open species that act as fursona options in the fandom. But some of the important questions that need to be asked are: how do these fursona species come to be? And What are they exactly?

Quite frankly, there isn’t a readily available platform for people to learn about these things aside from an online search where you need to search out the fandom species by their specific names and for long hours before getting anything remotely useful: Tumbler, Quora, and Reddit pages come in handy but are of little to no help.

The levels of information you will get can vary and are often very low. I guess that’s why we’re here. To let you know all you need to know about these species and what they are. This time, let a blog post come to your rescue.


First on our list is Protogens. What are Protogens? You might ask. The definition of a protogen can go as far as your imagination can take you. Most of you might already know what a protogen looks like and can easily recognize one when asked and when also given specific details such as a full-on description.

They are super cool furry creatures with semi-robotic features. On a very basic level, protogens are “fandom creatures from space.”

What is Protogen?

Protogen is an open-race character or persona within the furry fandom. Protogen typically represents a synthetic or robotic being with a few biological features, such as ears, limbs, and arms. These characters often have distinct traits like LED visors, unique markings, and futuristic elements.

Protogens stand out as the cybernetic trendsetters, adding a dose of high-tech charm to the creative palette of the furry community. It’s like someone turned your favorite sci-fi movie into a lovable, huggable character. That’s a Protogen for you!

What is Protogen?


The protogen origin story is a very interesting one, but to understand it, we have to delve into a little history of its predecessor, the Primagen. So the story goes like this.

The mastermind behind the creation, Malice Risu in February 2015, began developing a design for this unique species that was intended to resemble a raptor or have a raptor-like appearance. It was to be 70% robotic and 30% organic in the makeup. This creation was a personal species designed just for her and her boyfriend and not intended for public use.

Kaibors Studios helped create the first two primagens ever to exist in the furry fandom.


They were Ascii and Abraxus. Over the following years, the popularity of this species grew while still being a closed species. For proper context, a “closed species” is a term used when the creator has the power over who can make official characters of that species.

Over time, the species was opened up to the public but with limited availability. Occasional auctions with predesigned options were set up, and more people got their chance to get their hands on these furry creatures’ designs and own them.

To this day that’s probably the only way for people to own them still and have rights over certain common and uncommon designs.


The popularity of these primagens began to outrun the available designs. That led to the birth of the spin-off species we know to be protogens today. They became smaller versions of the primagens. And that, my friend, is how protogens were born.

There are three types of Protogen designs, with each having specific traits:

1. Common Protogens Traits

· Combat and defense warriors

· They take care of menial tasks.

· Fill in construction roles.

· May have operated as simple field medics

Common Protogens Traits

2. Uncommon Protegens Traits

· Up to 50% DNA infusion

· Commonly have more ears.

· Commonly seen with horns.

· More free-willed

Uncommon Protegens Traits

3. Rare Protogen Traits

· 50% higher DNA infusion rate

· Often dangerous to their creators

· Almost completely free-willed

Rare Protogen Traits

Top Features of Protogen

· Short-rounded visor

· Biological ears

· Protective chest plate

· 40% artificial

· Occasionally upright while standing.

· Mammal behaviorism

· Particle visor able to open

· Active digestive tract

· Biological or artificial limbs

· Modular limbs

Top Features of Protogen

The protogen aesthetic is a fluffy coat, large claws, and a system similar to the Primagen but with a 40% artificial-to-organic ratio. Some important physical aspects and key must-haves of protogens are things like having biological ears, a rounded visor, and an almost upright posture. Like most original species, any character wishing to be accepted has to follow a set of guidelines.

These guidelines dictate what they can and can’t do or add to protogen designs. Also, what they can and can’t have, but generally, the protogens are the most flexible creatures when it comes to design and usage.

Rare attributes are only made available for predesigned protogens. The solution for the limited availability of primagens made protogens even more popular than their predecessor species. The species has reached a level of demand that a few original species have reached, like the Dutch Angel dragons and Sergals, because it is an open species and the people love them.

Protogen Hub; ZOR

Through multiple design documents and temporal websites, work has constantly been put in to update and improve information about the species. These semi-synthetic beings have come a long way. Currently, major additions have been made under the universal title “Zenith’s outer reach.”

ZOR serves as the creator’s major communication link for all things primagen and protogen. The range of platforms ZOR has expanded to include Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Amino, FurAffinity, and a few others.

This expansion has led to the most in-depth knowledge bank for a custom-made species you’ll most likely ever come across. It contains everything from design, biology, and usage right. You name it; all you need to know is there.

If you want to read more about Protogens and join communities to keep you updated on everything, you can check out ZOR’s Linktree, where they have all the links in order. Linktree

Protogen Hub; ZOR

Development of Protogen

Protogens begin life as a 100% organic life form. The creation of a protogen begins in one of the many facilities on the planet, esmere4, with ZOR. Here, a protogen’s DNA will be specifically modified for it to serve its specific purpose to the highest possible degree.

These cybernetic creatures then grow in an artificial tank for 21 days before being modified and put through another series for a 14-day synchronization process and training to help them get acquainted with their new body. During the 21-day and 14-day long process, respectively, the protogen is still termed to be unborn as it has not experienced any form of conscious interaction.

The Protogens are only transported out of the facility after a successful synchronization process.

Development of Protogen

Protogen Core Features

Protogens should never be mistaken for robots. While their artificial traits can range around 40%, they are mostly biological. The main artificial parts include the visor, chest plate, hip region, or any artificial limb resulting from a specific design. The most noticeable of these modifications are the visors.

Protogens are constructed with tightly condensed Nanites. The nanites in the visor can shift and move, allowing the protogen to form a mouth as well as change the color display of the visor. The visor is not removable. If it is ever removed, it ruins the facial structure of the creature.

Protogen Core Features

Operation and function

A protogens digestive system is fully biological. These advanced creatures were born with a biological digestive organ that aids easy digestion by breaking down food molecules into electricity which then powers the artificial parts of the protogen.

Protogens can live off of electricity or archive energy, but it is often not recommended as that can lead to malnutrition eventually.

Operation and function

The limbs of protogens work on a plug-and-play system. Their tails, arms, and legs can pop out of sockets, and new limbs can be attached to them. If a protogen’s energy is deemed, it would require one or more of its limbs to be swapped out. They can easily swap these parts using mechanical parts on both the chest plates and hip region because these limbs are biological.

Blood loss, if it ever occurs, is reduced using Nanites; located where the limbs would be connected. Protogens are 60% biological. These high biological traits do not make them exactly similar to creatures on Earth.

Protogens do not require sleep as much. Often, they opt to take breaks instead, and in special situations, they go into a hibernation mood. Anthro-robots are designed for maximum efficiency. As such, natural waste disposal methods were removed and replaced with vaporization methods conducted by a special artificial organ.

Reproduction was also excluded as a key trait, as transfer of archite and artificial limbs would be impossible.

Purpose of Creation

A certain era in time witnessed an uprising in the production design of Protogens. The Protogens were needed for things such as manual labor and in the military because of their robot-like look, and with little to no need for sleep, they fit perfectly into these roles.

Protogens are commonly known as the galaxy’s worker bees. Protogens were given little to no rights and were often only owned, and this led to a lot of proteins being terminated when their purpose was served, or they weren’t needed anymore.

Purpose of Creation

With the rise in the development of protegens, creators began to experiment with more advanced features such as flight functions, multiple limbs, and complex mutations. Think “transformer-style” mutations.

Some of the most powerful and rarest Protogens ever produced came to life as a result of overruling their archive instabilities resulting from the side additions. Some still consider the creation of these rare protegens as a failure, while others see them as advanced space creatures.

Protogen Problems

Protogen has been known to show occasional technical issues and sometimes suffer from viruses and infections. Protogens can be affected by power conversion-failure radiation damage during extreme conditions, jumpy robot syndrome, a common name for “Nanites research syndrome,” and cosmic dust buildup.

All these make up for the technical issues that a protogen may experience.

Protogen Problems

Protogen visors can also experience damage in the form of nanite loss, which can eventually lead to a visor crack. As earlier stated, removal of the visor can lead to harm, so a crack is a potential harm on its way. The jumpy robot syndrome is a rare condition in which the internal nanites of the protogen fall into an on-and-off loop for a short time, making the protogen jump or jolt.

This in itself does no harm to the protegens that experience it, but it can lead to serious hurt for the people around them as movement will not be done with conscious and intentional control. To know when a protogen gets deemed a viral infection, common symptoms to look out for would include uncontrollable and violent glitching, internal electrical blackouts, or limb incompatibility.

Roles and occupation

Each protogen was designed for a specific role and to achieve a specific purpose. After the famous protogen rebellion, many became free. The jobs assumed by protogens then took on a wider range.

A few jobs still stand out as more prominent. Jobs include those in the medical profession, the armed forces, research and science, cyber security, digital science, engineering, archive operation, and airborne and ground vehicle operation.

Outside these, the modern-day Protogens can assume any role they choose regardless of whether they were designed for it.

· You can get more up-to-date information via ZOR’s Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ZenithsOuterReach

· Malice- Risu(Primagen and Protogen creator) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/malice-risu

Roles and occupation

Protogen FAQs

  • What is an Open Championship? Why is Protogen an open race?

Open Championship refers to a competition that is accessible to everyone without specific restrictions. Protogen is considered an open race because anyone can create a Common or Uncommon Protogen without limitations.

What is an Open Championship? Why is Protogen an open race?

  • Can I create my protogen?

Everyone has the freedom to create a Common or Uncommon Protogen, but to craft a Rare Protogen you will need ownership right for the Rare trait.

  • What is the Protogen design code?

The protogen design code is a list of a few rules that must be followed when creating a protogen fursona. It states things such as:

1. must not bear any dinosaur traits/anatomy. Protogens must have biological ears

2. protogens  must have a short round visor; a protogen  must be bipedal and

3. protogens typically shouldn’t have wings unless they are part of a rare variant.

What is the Protogen design code?

  • What happens if I don’t follow design specifications?

The guidelines help to pass on the essence of the species as the creator intended it to be. Without these defining parameters, a species lacks identity and will be capable of assuming any form or attribute. If you find the design constraints too limiting, consider creating your cyborg creature.

What happens if I don't follow design specifications?

  • What does protogen rely on?

Protogens have a smooth blend of biological and electronic elements, and the rules of creation tell us that their electronic components often draw power from their digestive system.