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Welcome to Your Newest Kink: Collars

Did you ever think about adorning yourself with a tight choker? What about letting your partner parade you on a leash? Have you ever thought of wanting to do it to your significant other? Collars have always had an irresistible attractiveness to them.

The ownership they imprint and the power exchange are only some reasons why they can be arousing.


Diving into a new kink can be intimidating as it is enticing. It’s especially true if you’re a total newbie. So, if you’re ready to get your neck in the game – read on!

What is a BDSM Collar?

What is a BDSM Collar

A BDSM Collar is not a mere accessory. It’s a symbol of power dynamics. It’s a tangible representation of a submissive’s commitment to their dominant partner.

BDSM collars can be made from various materials, depending on what the wearer wants to feel against their skin. They also come in different styles. While neck collars are the most common, BDSM collars can be worn around the wrist or ankle or even as decorative belts.

The Role of Collars in Fashion

Though these collars are popular in BDSM culture, they also thrive in other divisions.

· Collars Beyond Fetish Events: It’s not just about dungeons and fetish gatherings. BDSM-inspired collars have infiltrated mainstream fashion, too. You might spot them on edgy runways or wrapped around the necks of fashion-forward individuals who appreciate bold aesthetics.

· Fashionable Collars in Alternative Subcultures: Punk, goth, and alternative subcultures have long embraced collars as a style statement. Leather or spiked, they add an element of rebellion and individuality to outfits. It’s no wonder they are now a staple in alternative fashion.

The Role of Collars in Fashion

· Collars and Dominants: Collars aren’t just for submissives. Dominants may wear them as well as a symbol of their commitment to their submissive partner. It’s a visible sign of their responsibility and care within the BDSM.

The Meaning Behind Wearing a BDSM Collar

Let’s delve deeper into the captivating symbolism and significance that accompanies the act of wearing a BDSM collar:

· Symbolism of Collars in Submission: At its core, a collar represents submission and trust. It’s like saying, “I trust you with my everything.”

· Implying Ownership and Loyalty: Unlike what most may think, collaring is not about possession in the traditional sense. Rather, it’s a mutual agreement that binds both partners together in a consensual power dynamic.

BDSM Collar

· Heavy Usage as Symbolism: Collars can be adorned with symbols and tags, each carrying unique meanings. Locks symbolize commitment, while tags may display a submissive’s name or title. These embellishments add layers of significance to the collar, making it a personal emblem.

Types of Collars and Their Significance

Collars are extensions of your personality and the depth of your relationship. There are many collar options to choose from for a reason. Here’s a quick rundown:

Leather Collars:

These are the classics, offering durability and versatility. Leather collars symbolize a connection between the earthly and the erotic. They’re perfect for beginners and veterans alike because they don’t need much maintenance. They also don’t irritate the skin.

Leather Collars

Metal Collars:

If you’re drawn to the cool, unyielding embrace of metal, this is your territory. Metal collars are symbols of strength and control. They can be lightweight or heavy, depending on your preference. They also often feature intricate designs for a touch of elegance.

Metal Collars

Fabric Collars:

Soft, comfortable, and often customizable. Fabric collars are for those who crave a personal touch. They can be adorned with patterns, colors, and even embroidery – a great way to show off your unique expression of individuality.

Fabric Collars

Rubber Collars:

Not as commonly seen but favored by some, rubber collars offer a distinct tactile experience. They symbolize flexibility and adaptability in the BDSM dynamic.

Rubber Collars

Individual Preferences in Collar Choices

Just as one person might favor stilettos over sneakers, collar preferences are highly personal, too. Some individuals adore the rugged feel of leather, finding it evocative of raw desire. Others revel in the unyielding touch of metal, representing the firm grasp of control.

And then some appreciate the softness and customization options of fabric collars. It all comes down to what makes you feel confident and connected within your dynamic.


Collar Designs Matching Relationship Dynamics

Collar designs go beyond aesthetics; they can also reflect the specific dynamics of a relationship:

· Training Collars: These collars often feature D-rings for attachments. They stand for the ongoing journey of learning and growth within the BDSM. They represent a commitment to exploring and pushing boundaries together.

Training Collars

· Day Collars: For those who prefer subtlety and discretion, day collars are the choice. They can be worn outside of BDSM contexts, signifying a 24/7 commitment. These collars often blend seamlessly with everyday attire, great for public displays of the bond.

Day Collars

· Locking Collars: Fitted with a lock, these collars highlight exclusivity and commitment. The act of locking and unlocking symbolizes a profound connection, one that cannot be easily broken. It’s a solid representation of trust and surrender.

Locking Collars

· Collar Sets: Some BDSM enthusiasts opt for sets of collars, each with a specific purpose. For example, a submissive might wear a training collar during lessons and a more decorative collar during formal events or play sessions. Some couples may also wear collar sets that match. For instance, a sub is wearing a neck collar, and a dom is wearing a wrist collar. This allows for a nuanced representation of the relationship at different times.

Collar Sets

When to Wear a BDSM Collar

Like other aspects of BDSM, timing also matters for wearing BDSM collars.

When you’re with your partner

The decision to wear a BDSM collar hinges on the status of your relationship within the BDSM dynamic. You may do:

When you’re with your partner

· Casual Play: In some cases, collars are worn solely during play sessions. They symbolize a temporary surrender and the desire for a specific BDSM

· 24/7 Dynamics: For those in 24/7 BDSM relationships, the collar becomes an everyday accessory. It signifies commitment and submission around the clock.

When you’re at fetish events

You can never go wrong in wearing collars in fetish or kink events. Many attendees wear their BDSM collars proudly at fetish events, showcasing their roles and dynamics within the community. It’s a visible declaration of their participation and interests. Some fetish events feature collaring ceremonies, too.

Here, couples formalize their commitment, along with vows and all.

When you’re at fetish events

When you want to

In many BDSM dynamics, the doms usually initiate the collar-wearing. Though doing so is an act of acceptance and commitment, doms still need to respect the boundaries and comfort levels of their submissives. The decision to collar should be mutual and consensual.

When you want to

Understanding Ownership through Collar Kink

Collars are a commitment symbol. They indicate ownership and visually demonstrate a bond between partners. But more than the symbolism of the power exchanges of the dom and sub, they also represent the participants’ emotional stability and trust in each other.

Understanding Ownership through Collar Kink

Whether you’re starting a fresh BDSM relationship or transitioning an existing one, collaring is a significant step. In new relationships, collaring can signify a mutual decision to embark on the BDSM journey together. It’s a thrilling step that opens the door to growth.

For couples already on the BDSM path, initiating collaring is an opportunity to deepen connections and formalize their roles. It’s a way to say, “We’re in this for the long haul.”

The “Under Consideration” Period

Before leaping headlong into collar kink, it’s common for couples to enter an “under consideration” period. It’s a “no-fault” time when partners can experiment and see if they match. This period allows both parties to explore their wants, expectations, and boundaries. During this time, open and honest communication is crucial. Submissives express their desires, and dominants clarify their hopes, creating a solid foundation for the dynamic.

The “Under Consideration" Period

Where to Buy Collars

So, you’ve decided to explore collar kink, but where do you get your hands on these accessories? Let’s map out your options:

Pet Shops

Some pet shops carry collars that can serve as a temporary solution. Plus, they are often affordable and readily available. They offer a low-risk entry point for those who want to experiment without committing to a specialized BDSM collar right away.

Pet Shops

Kink, Fetish, BDSM Retailers

These retailers offer various collars designed explicitly for kink and fetish play. You’ll find everything from leather to metal, each catering to different tastes and preferences. Some retailers allow for customization, too. You can personalize your collar with engravings, colors, or even gemstones.

Kink, Fetish, BDSM Retailers

Collar Kink and Endless Possibilities

In wrapping up our collar kink crash course, remember that the world of BDSM collars is as diverse as the individuals who wear them. These accessories aren’t just about style. They’re symbols of trust, commitment, and intimate exploration.

Collaring is a journey — from mutual consent to choosing the perfect design. It’s a testament to the unique bond between intimate partners. So, embrace the allure, communicate openly, and savor your electrifying steps into the world of collar kink.